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January 25
Quick Messages - January 25, 2019

Check out all news and updates at or, on Twitter, at @RVMiddle!
Good morning! What a week!
I have a few quick announcements for Raiders and their families.
  1. Our new ASAP schedule is attached to this e-mail and posted on our website. Once again, I am very proud of the number of activities our staff continue to run for this program. ASAP works because our staff take a reduced lunch (20 min) and give the rest of their lunch hour up for this time at the end of our school day. Thank you Raider Team!!
  2. Some families will be receiving a “mid-term report card” this week. These updates are being sent home only for students who are struggling to meet expectations. If you receive one of these reports and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teaching team.
  3. Letters are being sent out to any student who has missed 10 or more days of school, regardless of the reason. We are required, by the Education Act, to send these. If you are concerned about any inaccuracies in your child’s attendance please let us know.
Monday, January 28th is a Provincial PD Day for teachers and there is no school for students on that day.
I know many families are concerned about the time missed due to snow days so far this year. I just want to reiterate that the best way to support your child is to have them read every day for at least 20 minutes, write about something every day (something in the news, an event at home, a favourite memory, etc.) and practice basic multiplication facts whenever possible. These essential skills will always help to support your child academically.
That is all for this morning! Have a wonderful weekend!             ASAP 3 Jan 14-Mar 1.docxASAP 3 Jan 14-Mar 1.docx


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