St. Malachy's Memorial High School



Scholarship Winners 2012


Dr. R.S. McMurray Medals: Erin Kelly, Monica Newman & Joma Dix

St Malachy's Gold Medal: Laura O'Brien

The Terry Comeau Scholarship: Alexa Dakin

Dave Patterson Memorial Awards: Maria Yammine, Cameron MacLellan

Dr. Lund Community Service Award: Hannah Dingwell- Daltrop

Dr. Dino Andriani Prize: Emily Bailey

Bruce Melanson Scholarship: Joma Dix

Christopher Court Scholarhsip: Enoch Adegbengo, Daniel O'Connor, Patricia Hayes, Caroline Quinn

Quinn Family Scholarship: Kendra Belding

Sadie & George Moses Scholarship: David Gweon

Leslie Bruce Memorial Scholarship: Laura O'Brien

Patrick Mooney Memorial Scholarship: Kendra Belding, Sam Fellows

Smith Family Scholarship: Maria Yammine

O'Brien Family Scholarship: Kevin Levangie, Brittnee Allen, Stephanie Gough, Alex Petit-Thorne, Clare Kelly, David Slipp

Gary Sargent Memorial Scholarship: Kristen Kelter

J. Esmonde Barry Health Care Scholarship:  Alicia Donovan

George Byrne Memorial Scholarship: Cameron MacLellan

Best Crest.bmp
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"The official St Vincent's Boys/St Malachy's Alumni" 

Alumni Board of Directors:

President: Dr. Marc Nicholson
Vice-President: Mr. Francis James
Treasurer: Mr. Matt Garey
Secretary: Ms. Lori Lawton
Members at Large: Mr. Dave Baker
Mr. Marc Gaudet
Mrs. Jane Logan
Mrs. Ashley McDade
Mr. Ben McHarg
Dr. Mike Simon
Member ex-Officio:
Ms. Elizabeth Horgan
Life Member: Mr. Don Smith

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