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January 07
Math Blitz Flyer #1

SRS Math Blitz
Edition #1
What can I do in lieu of homework?
Games such as Monopoly, cribbage, and Crazy Eights assist students with both number recognition and math facts. You can also check out the various teacher websites, wikis and weebly sites.
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Albert Add’Em Up and Jack
Albert Add’Em Up visited classes and homes last year to see mathematics at work in our everyday lives. For ideas of where families have used real-life learning to connect with mathematics visit
Speedy Threes:  Practicing adding three single digits. All you need is 2 players and a deck of cards (remove  tens and face cards).
Instructions: Make 3 piles of cards, face down. The first player turns over the top  card from each pile and adds the numbers together as quickly as they can. If they are correct, they keep all three cards. If they are not, the second player  can try to add them together to see if they can get the correct  answer. Alternate turns and keep going until you have used all of the cards.
Number Sleuth: Practicing time table facts. 2 players and  a deck of cards (remove face cards).
Instructions:  Player  one takes two cards and multiplies them together. They then put one card in each hand and place hands behind  back. Player two picks one hand to see. Player one shows that card and says the product (answer)  for the two cards is ____.  Player two then has to  tell Player one what the other factor (card) is. If correct, they keep the cards and then Player two  picks  two cards and  follows the same routine.
Go on a  shape hunt around your house! Look for 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional shapes. Look for  a circle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, prism , pyramid, cylinder, cone, etc.
The older children should be able to show you where the faces, vertices and edges are on a 3-Dimensional shape.
Estimate! Estimate! Estimate!  Ask your child to estimate how many people are at a hockey game, basketball game, store, etc or how many pieces of macaroni, rice, crackers, etc. are in a bowl. Is their estimate reasonable? Discuss the numbers.
Talk about  numbers!  What number comes before or after a number. Try 10 greater, 100 greater, 10 less, 100 less, etc


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