Run for the Cure:
"Did you bring in
your pledge money and forms today? T-shirt deadline is FAST approaching, but
it's not too late to join the team. Get your forms in the learning commons or
room 243 or 205. Turn in your completed forms and a minimum of $40 to 205 or
243 asap. Thanks Saints!"
(All Week)
Red and White Day
Makes sure to wear your Red and
White this Friday for the Welcome Back Assembly!
If you think you're always right, come and prove
it. Join the St. Malachy's Debate team - arguably the best team at the school.
No previous experience necessary. The first meeting will be Wednesday, 12
September, at lunch in Mr. Lenarczyk's room 213. (Til Wednesday)
Yearbook Meeting
There will be a meeting Wednesday at 12:30 in room 176 for any students
interested in helping with the school yearbook.
(Tuesday, Wednesday)
Cheerleading Try-outs
The St. Malachy's
Cheerleading Team will begin try-outs Tuesday, September 11th from 4:30 to 6pm
at the STM Gym. We will have our second try-out Thursday afterschool at the CSA
Gym at 1185 Bayside Drive, also from 4:30 to 6pm. On Monday, we will try-out
from 4:30 to 6pm at the CSA Gym and Our Final try-out will be Tuesday,
September 18th at 4:30 at the STM Gym. No previous experience is necessary.
(All Week)
Reach for the Top
Which part of the human body has absolutely no function?
Which rock band released albums called “Curb” and “The State”?
What is the actual name of television’s “Survivorman”?
If you know the answers to these questions, then “Reach for the Top” is the
club for you! Anyone interested in joining Reach this year is encouraged to
attend a brief meeting Thursday at lunch in room 232. (Thursday)
Would you rather?
Would you rather see Mr.
Dupont in flourescent pink athletics top or Mr. Abbott in pink pyjama pants?
Make your decision by dropping loose change in the jars in the Learning Commons
all week - the teacher with the most money in their jar will be dressed in pink
for the day on Friday! All proceeds go to Run for the Cure.
(All Week)
Coffee, Tea or Hot
Come to the Learning
Commons on Wednesday mornings and for $1 grab a hot drink and share in the
goodies provided by Mrs. Barrington. While you are there check out the free
wifi and some of the new features of the library.
(All Week)
New Titles on the Learning
Commons shelves this week:
The perks of being a
wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard, and Uglies
by Scott Westerfield - more new books each week! Come on down and check one out
(All Week)
Any students interested in
cross-country please pick up athletic forms from M. Dupont or from the main
office. There will be a quick meeting Tuesday at lunch in room 111 for
information. Please note that cross-country is for runners of all levels and
abileties and beginners are welcomed, as well as multi sports athletes who wish
to get ready for their season.
Going Once... Going Twice... Sold!
STM Teachers are giving up their chairs for charity!
This upcoming week, your teacher MIGHT just be willing to auction off their
comfy chair for YOU to use during class! All proceeds will go towards "Run
for the Cure".
(All Week)
Hey all you crazy kayakers, please see Mr.O'Donnell in
room 066 if you are interested in a kayaking clinic. We need at least 12
students to run it.
(All Week)
Junior Boys Soccer
The Team Rooster is posted
outside the main office. All members have a short meeting at Lunch on Tuesday
in room 236, if you want to play than you have to be there.
Learning Commons
Have you been to the old library lately?
If not, drop in to check out the new comfy seats and the free wi-fi! Open from
8am every day until 4:30pm! Stay tuned for special events coming to our new STM
Learning Commons each week!
(All Week)
All Students are asked to recycle their cans and
bottles. There are recycling bag located in each class room and containers in
the hallway. All money raised goes toward student activities.
(All Week)