Morning Announcements

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May 27
Announcements Tuesday May 28

Tuesday May 28th

Jr "M", "M:, and Winged "M" Applications
Applications for students applying for Junior "M", "M", or Winged "M" are now available in the gym office. All applications must be returned by Wednesday May 29th. If you have any questions please see Ms. Shea in the gym office. {Please read from May 8th-May 29th}

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Safe Grad

Grads, it is now time to sign up for Safe Grad. There is swimming, bowling, pizza, and prizes. The evening costs $20. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th.
The Grad Class Executive is selling STM Photos Albums. They cost $5.
The Grad Class Executive is also taking orders for "Class of 2013" coffe mugs. They cost $6 and orders MUST be made by Wednesday June 5th.
Grads, don't forget the Grad BBQ on Monday, June 5th.

Grad Class 2014
There is a meeting at 12:30 Wednesday, May 30th in Mr. Gaudet's room for those Grade 11 students who are interested in being on the Grad Class Executive next year, the Class of 2014. ATTENDANCE is a MUST.

Attention All Choir Members
This Thursday at lunch, we will be having practice in room 024 for the Baccalaureate Service on June 17. All religion choir members are expected to attend. Please come join us for practice so we can make this service special for our grade 12 students. (until Thursday)

 The Machys
The Machys Award Evening is on Thursday, May 30th  at 6:30p.m. in the Bishop Bray Gymnasium. In addition to the dinner and the presentations, there is an AP Art Show and Sale beginning at 5:30p.m.    Help us recognize those who have achieved so much.  Tickets are $10.00 and are now on sale in the Student Services Resource- Rm. 118.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.


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