Morning Announcements

St. Malachy's Memorial High School > Morning Announcements
September 19
Video Annoucements

I thought I'd drop you a line about annoucements. I would ask that you be patient with this process. Currently we are working through a few technical difficulties and are trying to work out the kinks. I ask that you encourage these students as they are just grasping these tasks. Thank you.



From: Burtt, Kelvin (ASD-S)
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:25 AM
To: Coombs, Anthony (ASD-S); Brown, Brenda (ASD-S); Sanojca, Audrey (ASD-S); STM Announcements; Abbott, Aaron (ASD-S); Ashfield, Cynthia (ASD-S); Baker, David (ASD-S); Barrington (Adams), Christina (ASD-S); Bonnar, Natasha (ASD-S); Branscombe, Katherine (ASD-S); Button, Douglas R. (ASD-S); Campion, Jennifer A (ASD-S); Cole, Cara (ASD-S); Comeau-Roper, Trudy (ASD-S); Connors, Andrea (ASD-S); Connors, Ryan (ASD-S); Craft, Jennifer M (ASD-S); Currie, Stacey (ASD-S); Dauphinee, Jon (ASD-S); Doherty, Patrick (ASD-S); Dupont, Stephane (ASD-S); Fowler, Janet E. (ASD-S); Garey, Jillian (ASD-S); Garey, Matt (ASD-S); Gaudet, Marc E (ASD-S); Giroux, Alain (ASD-S); Gormley, Kevin (ASD-S); Harris, Amanda (ASD-S); Holder, Jared (ASD-S); Horgan, Elizabeth (ASD-S); Horgan, Kimberly C. (ASD-S); Hughes, Marilyn (ASD-S); Hull, Colin (ASD-S); Hunter, Joanne M (ASD-S); Lawton, Lori (ASD-S); Lenarczyk, Paul (ASD-S); Mabey, Jennifer (ASD-S); Marshall, Amy (ASD-S); Matheson, Jeffrey (ASD-S); McFarlane, Nathan (ASD-S); McGrath, Elizabeth A. (ASD-S); Melvin, Mary Ann (ASD-S); Mitchell, Ray (ASD-S); Munn, Nick (ASD-S); Murphy, Ryan M (ASD-S); Nadeau, Denis R (ASD-S); O'Donnell, Raymond M. (ASD-S); O'Neill, Dan (ASD-S); Pattman, Karen (ASD-S); Pelletier, Anny (ASD-S); Pope, Jennifer (ASD-S); Richard, Roz (ASD-S); Robertson, Lynn (ASD-S); Shaw, Jill (ASD-S); Shea, Carrie (ASD-S); Shea, Connie (ASD-S); Sheehan, Melinda (ASD-S); Shepard, Scott (ASD-S); Stacey, Betty (ASD-S); Stacey, Christopher (ASD-S); Stanton, Christopher W (ASD-S); Steeves, (Seeley) Melody (ASD-S); Sterritt, Jocelyne (ASD-S); Stevens, Bradley (ASD-S); Touchie, Erin (ASD-S); Trenholm, Meghan M (ASD-S); Wells, Jocelyn (ASD-S)
Subject: Plasma Display Screens

Hi All

If you would like any events, activities clubs etc posted on the plasma displays. Drop by or send me the info and we will be happy do it. All we ask is you let us know a couple days in advance so we can put it together



From: Coombs, Anthony (ASD-S)
Sent: September 17, 2013 6:46 PM
To: Brown, Brenda (ASD-S); Sanojca, Audrey (ASD-S); STM Announcements; Abbott, Aaron (ASD-S); Ashfield, Cynthia (ASD-S); Baker, David (ASD-S); Barrington (Adams), Christina (ASD-S); Bonnar, Natasha (ASD-S); Branscombe, Katherine (ASD-S); Burtt, Kelvin (ASD-S); Button, Douglas R. (ASD-S); Campion, Jennifer A (ASD-S); Cole, Cara (ASD-S); Comeau-Roper, Trudy (ASD-S); Connors, Andrea (ASD-S); Connors, Ryan (ASD-S); Coombs, Anthony (ASD-S); Craft, Jennifer M (ASD-S); Currie, Stacey (ASD-S); Dauphinee, Jon (ASD-S); Doherty, Patrick (ASD-S); Dupont, Stephane (ASD-S); Fowler, Janet E. (ASD-S); Garey, Jillian (ASD-S); Garey, Matt (ASD-S); Gaudet, Marc E (ASD-S); Giroux, Alain (ASD-S); Gormley, Kevin (ASD-S); Harris, Amanda (ASD-S); Holder, Jared (ASD-S); Horgan, Elizabeth (ASD-S); Horgan, Kimberly C. (ASD-S); Hughes, Marilyn (ASD-S); Hull, Colin (ASD-S); Hunter, Joanne M (ASD-S); Lawton, Lori (ASD-S); Lenarczyk, Paul (ASD-S); Mabey, Jennifer (ASD-S); Marshall, Amy (ASD-S); Matheson, Jeffrey (ASD-S); McFarlane, Nathan (ASD-S); McGrath, Elizabeth A. (ASD-S); Melvin, Mary Ann (ASD-S); Mitchell, Ray (ASD-S); Munn, Nick (ASD-S); Murphy, Ryan M (ASD-S); Nadeau, Denis R (ASD-S); O'Donnell, Raymond M. (ASD-S); O'Neill, Dan (ASD-S); Pattman, Karen (ASD-S); Pelletier, Anny (ASD-S); Pope, Jennifer (ASD-S); Richard, Roz (ASD-S); Robertson, Lynn (ASD-S); Shaw, Jill (ASD-S); Shea, Carrie (ASD-S); Shea, Connie (ASD-S); Sheehan, Melinda (ASD-S); Shepard, Scott (ASD-S); Stacey, Betty (ASD-S); Stacey, Christopher (ASD-S); Stanton, Christopher W (ASD-S); Steeves, (Seeley) Melody (ASD-S); Sterritt, Jocelyne (ASD-S); Stevens, Bradley (ASD-S); Touchie, Erin (ASD-S); Trenholm, Meghan M (ASD-S); Wells, Jocelyn (ASD-S)
Subject: Revised 09/18/2013

Good Morning St. Malachy’s! Here are your announcements for Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Run for the Cure
You can pick up your RFTC forms in the Learning Commons and completed forms & money can be turned into the Guidance Centre, Physics lab or Gym office. T-shirt deadline is Thursday, Sept 19th. Thank you! (Thursday)

Going once, going twice, SOLD!
Saint Mac's teachers are auctioning off their comfy teacher chairs to the highest bidder: all proceeds benefiting the STM Saints Run for the Cure Team. Bring in your loose change and enjoy class from the comfort of your teacher's chair! (Friday)

Tuesdays and Wednesdays at lunch, and Thursdays after school in the debate chamber, room 213. Come out and prove to us that you're always right. (Thursday).

Attention Class of 2014!!!!
All graduates should submit a current resume to Ms. Craft in the Guidance Centre. Throughout the year there are scholarship opportunities that require the St Malachy’s Scholarship Committee to nominate deserving students. Please submit a detailed resume outlining extracurricular and community involvement ASAP. (Friday)

Bake Sale
Ms. Shaw's Entrepreneurship Class along with the Key Club will be having a bake sale on Thursday (Sept 19) at noon in the main hall lobby. There will be a huge selection of treats all under $1 in support of Run for the Cure. Save your spare change and treat yourself on Thursday for a GREAT cause. (Thursday)

Attention all Singers
This year we are having a special Vocal Ensemble, by audition only. Please sign up in room 024. You must bring your own sheet music of a modern or popular song to Mrs. Pope as soon as possible. Auditions will be held Wednesday and Thursday. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Pope. (Friday)

Reach for the Top

There will be a Reach for the Top practice Thursday at lunch in room 205.  All students are welcome to attend! (Thursday)

Key Club
There will be a Key Club meeting today at noon on Wednesday in Room 217. New members welcome! (Wednesday)

Mr. A. Warren Coombs, B.Sc., B.Ed..
NBTA Director 0820
Student Representative Council Advisor
Department of Science
St. Malachy’s Memorial High School
(506) 658-5361[X] (office)
(506) 658-2420[X]

August 31

Test Test Test


Mr. A. Warren Coombs, B.Sc., B.Ed..

NBTA Director 0820

Student Representative Council Advisor

Department of Science

St. Malachy’s Memorial High School

(506) 658-5361 (office)

(506) 658-2420



June 06
Announcements June 6th 2013

Thursday June 6th

  Prom Decorating Committee
Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons
 If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

Yearbook Pickups

Everyone can pick up yearbooks from 12:30 - 1:15 daily in Room 176, beginning on Tuesday.  All outstanding balances must be paid before receiving your book.  There are a few extra books that have not yet been spoken for - come early in the week to avoid missing out!


 The Grad Class is selling STM photo albums for $5.

Grads, a reminder that you are invited to attend the Alumni Dinner. The evening takes place on Friday June 14th. Tickets are $20 and are available in the office.

Girls Basketball Open Gym

There will be an open gym for any female basketball players considering trying out for the junior or senior teams next year. Grade 8s are also welcome. The open gym will take place Thursdays (Tonight)  from 8-9:30.

NB/Canada Student Loan Applications are available in the Guidance Centre

Paper copies of the NB/Canada Student Loan Information Guide and Application are available at the Guidance Centre. As well, the guide and application are available at<> for online applications.

Attention All Singers

We will be practicing for the Baccalaureate Service this Thursday at lunch in room 024 and next Tuesday at 1pm after the period 2 exam. Look forward to seeing you there. (until Friday)

Year End School Video Orders

Orders for the year end school video are being taken in room 207 for a cost of $5.

Any players who ordered a track suit, red hoodie, gym bag, or black jacket are asked to collect their clothes, or pay their balance owing to Mr. Abbott before receiving their gear. Clothing can be picked up in the Biology Lab
June 04
Announcements June 5th 2013
Wednesday June 5th

  Prom Decorating Committee
Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons
 If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

Orientation Meeting

There will be a meeting for all students wishing to become involved with orientation for next year, today, June 5th at the beginning of lunch in the auditorium.
Yearbook Pickups

Everyone can pick up yearbooks from 12:30 - 1:15 daily in Room 176, beginning on Tuesday.  All outstanding balances must be paid before receiving your book.  There are a few extra books that have not yet been spoken for - come early in the week to avoid missing out!


 The Grad Class is selling STM photo albums for $5.

The Grad Class is taking orders for Class of 2013 mugs for $6. You must place an order by Wednesday.

Grads, Please sign for Safe Grad. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th. Cost is $20.

Grads, a reminder that you are invited to attend the Alumni Dinner. The evening takes place on Friday June 14th. Tickets are $20 and are available in the office.

Girls Basketball Open Gym

There will be an open gym for any female basketball players considering trying out for the junior or senior teams next year. Grade 8s are also welcome. The open gym will take place Thursdays starting this week from 8-9:30.

NB/Canada Student Loan Applications are available in the Guidance Centre

Paper copies of the NB/Canada Student Loan Information Guide and Application are available at the Guidance Centre. As we, the guide and application are available at<> for online applications.

Saints in Action
Saints in Action will be selling freezies today at lunch outside the Sydney Street doors.  1 for 75 cents or 2 for a dollar.
Attention All Singers

We will be practicing for the Baccalaureate Service this Thursday at lunch in room 024 and next Tuesday at 1pm after the period 2 exam. Look forward to seeing you there. (until Friday)

Year End School Video Orders

Orders for the year end school video are being taken in room 207 for a cost of $5.
June 04
Announcements June 4th 2013

Tuesday June 4th

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

Orientation Meeting

There will be a meeting for all students wishing to become involved with orientation for next year, next Wednesday June 5th at the beginning of lunch in the auditorium. (Wednesday)
Yearbook Pickups (Monday)

Everyone can pick up yearbooks from 12:30 - 1:15 daily in Room 176, beginning on Tuesday.  All outstanding balances must be paid before receiving your book.  There are a few extra books that have not yet been spoken for - come early in the week to avoid missing out!


 The Grad Class is selling STM photo albums for $5.

The Grad Class is taking orders for Class of 2013 mugs for $6. You must place an order by Wednesday.

Grads, Please sign for Safe Grad. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th. Cost is $20.

Grads, a reminder that you are invited to attend the Alumni Dinner. The evening takes place on Friday June 14th. Tickets are $20 and are available in the office.

Girls Basketball Open Gym

There will be an open gym for any female basketball players considering trying out for the junior or senior teams next year. Grade 8s are also welcome. The open gym will take place Thursdays starting this week from 8-9:30.

NB/Canada Student Loan Applications are available in the Guidance Centre

Paper copies of the NB/Canada Student Loan Information Guide and Application are available at the Guidance Centre. As we, the guide and application are available at<> for online applications.

Saints in Action
Saints in Action will be selling freezies tomorrow at lunch outside the Sydney Street doors.  1 for 75 cents or 2 for a dollar.
June 02
Announcements June 3rd 2013
Monday June 3rd

Girls' Rugby

The girls rugby team were defeated Saturday versus KV in the provincial finals. Congratulations goes out to the girls on a great season. Players are reminded to return their jerseys to Ms. Trenholm by the end of the week if they have not already done so.

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

Orientation Meeting

There will be a meeting for all students wishing to become involved with orientation for next year, next Wednesday June 5th at the beginning of lunch in the auditorium. (Wednesday)
Yearbook Pickups (Monday)

Grads who have ordered yearbooks can pick them up at the Grad BBQ tonight.  Everyone else can pick them up between 12:30 - 1:15 daily in Room 176, beginning on Tuesday.  All outstanding balances must be paid before receiving your book.  There are a few extra books that have not yet been spoken for - come early in the week to avoid missing out!


The Grad BBQ goes tonight from 5:30 - 8:00 in the gym. Mr. Gaudet will be at the door collecting Grad Fees.

The Grad Class is selling STM photo albums for $5.

The Grad Class is taking orders for Class of 2013 mugs for $6. You must place an order by Wednesday.

Grads, Please sign for Safe Grad. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th. Cost is $20.

Grads, a reminder that you are invited to attend the Alumni Dinner. The evening takes place on Friday June 14th. Tickets are $20 and are available in the office.

Class of 2014

There is a short meeting at 12:50 for those student who put forth their name for next year's Grad Class Executive.

Girls Basketball Open Gym

There will be an open gym for any female basketball players considering trying out for the junior or senior teams next year. Grade 8s are also welcome. The open gym will take place Thursdays starting this week from 8-9:30.
May 30
Announcements Friday May 31

Friday May 31st

Girls' Rugby

The girls rugby team play at 1pm at KV on Saturday June 1st in their first ever provincial final. Come out and cheer on your Saints! Admission is $3 and the weather is going to be beautiful!

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Safe Grad

Grads, it is now time to sign up for Safe Grad. There is swimming, bowling, pizza, and prizes. The evening costs $20. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th.
The Grad Class Executive is selling STM Photos Albums. They cost $5.
The Grad Class Executive is also taking orders for "Class of 2013" coffee mugs. They cost $6 and orders MUST be made by Wednesday June 5th.
Grads, don't forget the Grad BBQ on Monday, June 3rd.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

Orientation Meeting

There will be a meeting for all students wishing to become involved with orientation for next year, next Wednesday June 5th at the beginning of lunch in the auditorium. (Wednesday)

May 28
Announcements Wednesday May 29

Wednesday May 29th

Girls' Rugby

The girls rugby team defeated Bernice MacNaughton High School yesterday in Moncton in the provincial semi finals with a score 8-7. The girls advance to the provincial finals versus KVHS in KV on Saturday, June 1st. Saturday's forecast is calling for beautiful weather so come out in your red and white and support your Saints as they seek to win their first ever girls' provincial championship title.

Jr "M", "M:, and Winged "M" Applications
Applications for students applying for Junior "M", "M", or Winged "M" are now available in the gym office. All applications must be returned by Wednesday May 29th. If you have any questions please see Ms. Shea in the gym office. {Please read from May 8th-May 29th}

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Safe Grad

Grads, it is now time to sign up for Safe Grad. There is swimming, bowling, pizza, and prizes. The evening costs $20. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th.
The Grad Class Executive is selling STM Photos Albums. They cost $5.
The Grad Class Executive is also taking orders for "Class of 2013" coffe mugs. They cost $6 and orders MUST be made by Wednesday June 5th.
Grads, don't forget the Grad BBQ on Monday, June 3rd.

Grad Class 2014
There is a meeting at 12:30 Wednesday, May 29th in Mr. Gaudet's room for those Grade 11 students who are interested in being on the Grad Class Executive next year, the Class of 2014. ATTENDANCE is a MUST.

Attention All Choir Members
This Thursday at lunch, we will be having practice in room 024 for the Baccalaureate Service on June 17. All religion choir members are expected to attend. Please come join us for practice so we can make this service special for our grade 12 students. (until Thursday)

 The Machys
The Machys Award Evening is on Thursday, May 30th  at 6:30p.m. in the Bishop Bray Gymnasium. In addition to the dinner and the presentations, there is an AP Art Show and Sale beginning at 5:30p.m.    Help us recognize those who have achieved so much.  Tickets are $10.00 and are now on sale in the Student Services Resource- Rm. 118.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

May 27
Announcements Tuesday May 28 UPDATED

Tuesday May 28th UPDATED

Girls' Rugby

Please wish the girls rugby team good luck as they travel to Moncton today to play Bernice MacNaughton High School in the provincial semi finals. All players are asked to meet in the gym lobby for 2:30 ready to board the bus with their gear on. Members of the team only have permission to miss last period and should not be allowed to leave class early to get ready.

Jr "M", "M:, and Winged "M" Applications
Applications for students applying for Junior "M", "M", or Winged "M" are now available in the gym office. All applications must be returned by Wednesday May 29th. If you have any questions please see Ms. Shea in the gym office. {Please read from May 8th-May 29th}

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Safe Grad

Grads, it is now time to sign up for Safe Grad. There is swimming, bowling, pizza, and prizes. The evening costs $20. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th.
The Grad Class Executive is selling STM Photos Albums. They cost $5.
The Grad Class Executive is also taking orders for "Class of 2013" coffe mugs. They cost $6 and orders MUST be made by Wednesday June 5th.
Grads, don't forget the Grad BBQ on Monday, June 3rd.

Grad Class 2014
There is a meeting at 12:30 Wednesday, May 30th in Mr. Gaudet's room for those Grade 11 students who are interested in being on the Grad Class Executive next year, the Class of 2014. ATTENDANCE is a MUST.

Attention All Choir Members
This Thursday at lunch, we will be having practice in room 024 for the Baccalaureate Service on June 17. All religion choir members are expected to attend. Please come join us for practice so we can make this service special for our grade 12 students. (until Thursday)

 The Machys
The Machys Award Evening is on Thursday, May 30th  at 6:30p.m. in the Bishop Bray Gymnasium. In addition to the dinner and the presentations, there is an AP Art Show and Sale beginning at 5:30p.m.    Help us recognize those who have achieved so much.  Tickets are $10.00 and are now on sale in the Student Services Resource- Rm. 118.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

May 27
Announcements Tuesday May 28

Tuesday May 28th

Jr "M", "M:, and Winged "M" Applications
Applications for students applying for Junior "M", "M", or Winged "M" are now available in the gym office. All applications must be returned by Wednesday May 29th. If you have any questions please see Ms. Shea in the gym office. {Please read from May 8th-May 29th}

  Prom Decorating Committee

Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Safe Grad

Grads, it is now time to sign up for Safe Grad. There is swimming, bowling, pizza, and prizes. The evening costs $20. You MUST sign up by Wednesday, June 5th.
The Grad Class Executive is selling STM Photos Albums. They cost $5.
The Grad Class Executive is also taking orders for "Class of 2013" coffe mugs. They cost $6 and orders MUST be made by Wednesday June 5th.
Grads, don't forget the Grad BBQ on Monday, June 5th.

Grad Class 2014
There is a meeting at 12:30 Wednesday, May 30th in Mr. Gaudet's room for those Grade 11 students who are interested in being on the Grad Class Executive next year, the Class of 2014. ATTENDANCE is a MUST.

Attention All Choir Members
This Thursday at lunch, we will be having practice in room 024 for the Baccalaureate Service on June 17. All religion choir members are expected to attend. Please come join us for practice so we can make this service special for our grade 12 students. (until Thursday)

 The Machys
The Machys Award Evening is on Thursday, May 30th  at 6:30p.m. in the Bishop Bray Gymnasium. In addition to the dinner and the presentations, there is an AP Art Show and Sale beginning at 5:30p.m.    Help us recognize those who have achieved so much.  Tickets are $10.00 and are now on sale in the Student Services Resource- Rm. 118.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons

If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

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