Morning Announcements

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September 19
Video Annoucements

I thought I'd drop you a line about annoucements. I would ask that you be patient with this process. Currently we are working through a few technical difficulties and are trying to work out the kinks. I ask that you encourage these students as they are just grasping these tasks. Thank you.



From: Burtt, Kelvin (ASD-S)
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:25 AM
To: Coombs, Anthony (ASD-S); Brown, Brenda (ASD-S); Sanojca, Audrey (ASD-S); STM Announcements; Abbott, Aaron (ASD-S); Ashfield, Cynthia (ASD-S); Baker, David (ASD-S); Barrington (Adams), Christina (ASD-S); Bonnar, Natasha (ASD-S); Branscombe, Katherine (ASD-S); Button, Douglas R. (ASD-S); Campion, Jennifer A (ASD-S); Cole, Cara (ASD-S); Comeau-Roper, Trudy (ASD-S); Connors, Andrea (ASD-S); Connors, Ryan (ASD-S); Craft, Jennifer M (ASD-S); Currie, Stacey (ASD-S); Dauphinee, Jon (ASD-S); Doherty, Patrick (ASD-S); Dupont, Stephane (ASD-S); Fowler, Janet E. (ASD-S); Garey, Jillian (ASD-S); Garey, Matt (ASD-S); Gaudet, Marc E (ASD-S); Giroux, Alain (ASD-S); Gormley, Kevin (ASD-S); Harris, Amanda (ASD-S); Holder, Jared (ASD-S); Horgan, Elizabeth (ASD-S); Horgan, Kimberly C. (ASD-S); Hughes, Marilyn (ASD-S); Hull, Colin (ASD-S); Hunter, Joanne M (ASD-S); Lawton, Lori (ASD-S); Lenarczyk, Paul (ASD-S); Mabey, Jennifer (ASD-S); Marshall, Amy (ASD-S); Matheson, Jeffrey (ASD-S); McFarlane, Nathan (ASD-S); McGrath, Elizabeth A. (ASD-S); Melvin, Mary Ann (ASD-S); Mitchell, Ray (ASD-S); Munn, Nick (ASD-S); Murphy, Ryan M (ASD-S); Nadeau, Denis R (ASD-S); O'Donnell, Raymond M. (ASD-S); O'Neill, Dan (ASD-S); Pattman, Karen (ASD-S); Pelletier, Anny (ASD-S); Pope, Jennifer (ASD-S); Richard, Roz (ASD-S); Robertson, Lynn (ASD-S); Shaw, Jill (ASD-S); Shea, Carrie (ASD-S); Shea, Connie (ASD-S); Sheehan, Melinda (ASD-S); Shepard, Scott (ASD-S); Stacey, Betty (ASD-S); Stacey, Christopher (ASD-S); Stanton, Christopher W (ASD-S); Steeves, (Seeley) Melody (ASD-S); Sterritt, Jocelyne (ASD-S); Stevens, Bradley (ASD-S); Touchie, Erin (ASD-S); Trenholm, Meghan M (ASD-S); Wells, Jocelyn (ASD-S)
Subject: Plasma Display Screens

Hi All

If you would like any events, activities clubs etc posted on the plasma displays. Drop by or send me the info and we will be happy do it. All we ask is you let us know a couple days in advance so we can put it together



From: Coombs, Anthony (ASD-S)
Sent: September 17, 2013 6:46 PM
To: Brown, Brenda (ASD-S); Sanojca, Audrey (ASD-S); STM Announcements; Abbott, Aaron (ASD-S); Ashfield, Cynthia (ASD-S); Baker, David (ASD-S); Barrington (Adams), Christina (ASD-S); Bonnar, Natasha (ASD-S); Branscombe, Katherine (ASD-S); Burtt, Kelvin (ASD-S); Button, Douglas R. (ASD-S); Campion, Jennifer A (ASD-S); Cole, Cara (ASD-S); Comeau-Roper, Trudy (ASD-S); Connors, Andrea (ASD-S); Connors, Ryan (ASD-S); Coombs, Anthony (ASD-S); Craft, Jennifer M (ASD-S); Currie, Stacey (ASD-S); Dauphinee, Jon (ASD-S); Doherty, Patrick (ASD-S); Dupont, Stephane (ASD-S); Fowler, Janet E. (ASD-S); Garey, Jillian (ASD-S); Garey, Matt (ASD-S); Gaudet, Marc E (ASD-S); Giroux, Alain (ASD-S); Gormley, Kevin (ASD-S); Harris, Amanda (ASD-S); Holder, Jared (ASD-S); Horgan, Elizabeth (ASD-S); Horgan, Kimberly C. (ASD-S); Hughes, Marilyn (ASD-S); Hull, Colin (ASD-S); Hunter, Joanne M (ASD-S); Lawton, Lori (ASD-S); Lenarczyk, Paul (ASD-S); Mabey, Jennifer (ASD-S); Marshall, Amy (ASD-S); Matheson, Jeffrey (ASD-S); McFarlane, Nathan (ASD-S); McGrath, Elizabeth A. (ASD-S); Melvin, Mary Ann (ASD-S); Mitchell, Ray (ASD-S); Munn, Nick (ASD-S); Murphy, Ryan M (ASD-S); Nadeau, Denis R (ASD-S); O'Donnell, Raymond M. (ASD-S); O'Neill, Dan (ASD-S); Pattman, Karen (ASD-S); Pelletier, Anny (ASD-S); Pope, Jennifer (ASD-S); Richard, Roz (ASD-S); Robertson, Lynn (ASD-S); Shaw, Jill (ASD-S); Shea, Carrie (ASD-S); Shea, Connie (ASD-S); Sheehan, Melinda (ASD-S); Shepard, Scott (ASD-S); Stacey, Betty (ASD-S); Stacey, Christopher (ASD-S); Stanton, Christopher W (ASD-S); Steeves, (Seeley) Melody (ASD-S); Sterritt, Jocelyne (ASD-S); Stevens, Bradley (ASD-S); Touchie, Erin (ASD-S); Trenholm, Meghan M (ASD-S); Wells, Jocelyn (ASD-S)
Subject: Revised 09/18/2013

Good Morning St. Malachy’s! Here are your announcements for Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Run for the Cure
You can pick up your RFTC forms in the Learning Commons and completed forms & money can be turned into the Guidance Centre, Physics lab or Gym office. T-shirt deadline is Thursday, Sept 19th. Thank you! (Thursday)

Going once, going twice, SOLD!
Saint Mac's teachers are auctioning off their comfy teacher chairs to the highest bidder: all proceeds benefiting the STM Saints Run for the Cure Team. Bring in your loose change and enjoy class from the comfort of your teacher's chair! (Friday)

Tuesdays and Wednesdays at lunch, and Thursdays after school in the debate chamber, room 213. Come out and prove to us that you're always right. (Thursday).

Attention Class of 2014!!!!
All graduates should submit a current resume to Ms. Craft in the Guidance Centre. Throughout the year there are scholarship opportunities that require the St Malachy’s Scholarship Committee to nominate deserving students. Please submit a detailed resume outlining extracurricular and community involvement ASAP. (Friday)

Bake Sale
Ms. Shaw's Entrepreneurship Class along with the Key Club will be having a bake sale on Thursday (Sept 19) at noon in the main hall lobby. There will be a huge selection of treats all under $1 in support of Run for the Cure. Save your spare change and treat yourself on Thursday for a GREAT cause. (Thursday)

Attention all Singers
This year we are having a special Vocal Ensemble, by audition only. Please sign up in room 024. You must bring your own sheet music of a modern or popular song to Mrs. Pope as soon as possible. Auditions will be held Wednesday and Thursday. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Pope. (Friday)

Reach for the Top

There will be a Reach for the Top practice Thursday at lunch in room 205.  All students are welcome to attend! (Thursday)

Key Club
There will be a Key Club meeting today at noon on Wednesday in Room 217. New members welcome! (Wednesday)

Mr. A. Warren Coombs, B.Sc., B.Ed..
NBTA Director 0820
Student Representative Council Advisor
Department of Science
St. Malachy’s Memorial High School
(506) 658-5361[X] (office)
(506) 658-2420[X]


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