Morning Announcements

St. Malachy's Memorial High School > Morning Announcements > Posts > Announcements June 6th 2013
June 06
Announcements June 6th 2013

Thursday June 6th

  Prom Decorating Committee
Students on the Prom Decorating Committee can come every Tuesday and Thursday to Room 110 at lunch to work on the decorations.

Extra Help in the Learning Commons
 If you would like help studying for your exams or finishing up projects or essays, visit Mrs. Bonnar in the Learning Commons before school, at lunch or after school.

Yearbook Pickups

Everyone can pick up yearbooks from 12:30 - 1:15 daily in Room 176, beginning on Tuesday.  All outstanding balances must be paid before receiving your book.  There are a few extra books that have not yet been spoken for - come early in the week to avoid missing out!


 The Grad Class is selling STM photo albums for $5.

Grads, a reminder that you are invited to attend the Alumni Dinner. The evening takes place on Friday June 14th. Tickets are $20 and are available in the office.

Girls Basketball Open Gym

There will be an open gym for any female basketball players considering trying out for the junior or senior teams next year. Grade 8s are also welcome. The open gym will take place Thursdays (Tonight)  from 8-9:30.

NB/Canada Student Loan Applications are available in the Guidance Centre

Paper copies of the NB/Canada Student Loan Information Guide and Application are available at the Guidance Centre. As well, the guide and application are available at<> for online applications.

Attention All Singers

We will be practicing for the Baccalaureate Service this Thursday at lunch in room 024 and next Tuesday at 1pm after the period 2 exam. Look forward to seeing you there. (until Friday)

Year End School Video Orders

Orders for the year end school video are being taken in room 207 for a cost of $5.

Any players who ordered a track suit, red hoodie, gym bag, or black jacket are asked to collect their clothes, or pay their balance owing to Mr. Abbott before receiving their gear. Clothing can be picked up in the Biology Lab


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